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Oscillatory behaviors can be ubiquitously observed in various systems. Biological rhythms are significant in governing living activities of all units. The emergence of biological rhythms is the consequence of large numbers of units. In this paper we discuss several important examples of sustained oscillations in biological media, where the unit composed in the system does not possess the oscillation behavior. The dominant phase-advanced driving method is applied to study the skeletons and oscillatory organizing motifs in excitable networks and gene regulatory networks.
Oscillatory behavior is an indication of temporally periodic dynamics of a system, and it can be ubiquitously observed in various systems, ranging from physics and chemistry to biology.[1,2] The behaviors are mathematically described by the existence of a typical time scale that repeatedly emerges in the evolution. Physically the emergence of the rhythmic feature of a system may originate from numerous different scenarios. Self-sustained oscillation, also called the limit cycle, which is defined as a typical nonlinear dynamical behavior, has received a great deal of attention throughout the last century.[3]
The emergence of sustained oscillations is an interesting topic in studies of nonlinear systems. The essential mechanism of sustained oscillation is the existence of feedback, but the source of feedback depends strongly on different situations. In mechanical systems, for example, the conventional Van der Pol oscillator, the adjustable damping provides the key mechanism for the energy compensation to sustain a stable limit cycle. The damping becomes positive to dissipate energy when the amplitude is large and becomes negative to compensate energy when the amplitude is small. This provides a feedback mechanism to maintain the stable oscillation. Stability analysis can well present the dynamical mechanism of the limit-cycle motion. There are a lot of historic examples and models in describing this typical oscillatory dynamics, regular or chaotic, and these studies have also been well applied in many different systems.
Self-sustained oscillations in complex systems consisting of a large number of units with no oscillatory dynamics have become of great interest in recent years.[4–8] Because each unit in the system does not exhibit an oscillatory behavior, the feedback mechanism of sustained oscillations should be due to the collaborative feedback of units. It is thus very interesting and important to explore the mechanism of oscillatory dynamics when these units interact with each other, and to study how a number of non-oscillatory nodes organize themselves to present a collective oscillatory phenomenon.[9] Recent studies of the so-called complex networks stimulated by milestone works on small-world[10] and scale-free networks[11] provide a powerful platform in revealing self-organizations in complex networks.[12–16]
The topic of self-sustained oscillations in complex systems was largely motivated by an extensive study and a strong background of systems biology. Non-oscillatory systems exist ubiquitously in biological systems, e.g., the gene segments and neurons. People have extensively studied such common behaviors in nature, such as oscillations in genetic regulatory networks,[4,17–25] neural networks, and brains.[5–8,26–33]
The exploration of the key determinants of collective oscillations is a great challenge. Recent progresses indicate that, although the collective self-sustained oscillation emerges from the organization of units in the system, only a small number or some of key units play the dominant role in giving rise to the collective dynamics. We may call them the self-organization core or the oscillation source. Theoretically, diverse self-sustained oscillatory activities and related determining mechanisms have been reported in different kinds of excitable complex networks. For example, we discovered that one-dimensional Winfree loops may support self-sustained target group patterns in excitable small-world networks.[34,35] We have also revealed the center nodes and small skeletons to sustain target-wave-like patterns in excitable homogeneous random networks.[36–41] The mechanism of long-period rhythmic synchronous firings in excitable scale-free networks has been explored to explain the temporal information processing in neural systems.[42] On the other hand, node dynamics in biological networks depends crucially on different systems. For example, the gene dynamics is totally different from the excitable dynamics, and the network structures are also different. We have revealed the fundamental building blocks of sustained oscillations in gene regulatory networks and studied the interesting chaotic dynamics and its mechanism.[43–45]
The present paper gives a brief review of our recent studies on self-sustained oscillations of interacting non-oscillatory units. We demonstrate our results by studying excitable networks and gene regulatory networks. The dominant phase-advanced driving (DPAD) method is an effective approach in revealing the fundamental organization of collective oscillations.
An important subject in revealing the coordination of units is to explore the core structure and dynamics in the organization process of a large number of non-oscillatory units. DPAD is a dynamical method that can find the strongest cross driving of the target node when a system is in an oscillatory state. Here, we briefly recall the dynamical DPAD structure.[36–41]
Given a network consisting of N nodes with non-oscillatory local dynamics described by well-defined coupled ordinary differential equations, there are M (
Let us first clarify the significance of nodes in a network with sustained oscillations by comparing their phase dynamics. Obviously the oscillatory behavior of an individually non-oscillatory node is driven by signals from one or more interactions with advanced phases, if such a phase variable can be properly defined. We call such a signal the phase-advanced driving (PAD). Among all phase-advanced interactions the interaction giving the most significant contribution to the given node can be defined as the dominant phase-advanced driving (DPAD). Based on this idea, the corresponding DPAD for each node can be identified. By applying this network reduction approach the original oscillatory high-dimensional complex network of N nodes with M vertices/interactions can be reduced to a one-dimensional unidirectional network of size N with
An example of clarifying the DPAD is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) (a) A schematic plot of the DPAD. As comparisons, the reference oscillatory time series, a usual PAD and a phase-lagged node dynamics are also presented, respectively. (b) An example of a simplified (unidirectional) network in terms of the DPAD scheme. (Adapted from Ref. [38]). |
The DPAD structure reveals the dynamical relationship between different nodes. Based on this functional structure, we can identify the loops as the oscillation source, and illustrate the wave propagation along various branches. All the above ideas are generally applicable to diverse fields for self-sustained oscillations of complex networks consisting of individual non-oscillatory nodes. In the following sections we focus on self-sustained oscillations in excitable networks and regulatory gene networks. One can find that both types of system possess a common feature, that is, only a small number of units participate in the global oscillation, and some fundamental structures play dominant roles in giving rise to oscillatory behaviors in the system, although the organizing cores differ for these two types of networks.
We first take the representative excitable dynamics as a prototype example to reveal the mechanism of global oscillations. Cooperation among units in the system leads to an ordered dynamical topology to maintain the oscillatory process. In regular media, the oscillation core of a spiral wave is a self-organized topological defect. People have also found that the loop topology is significant in maintaining the self-sustained oscillation. For example, as early as in 1914, Mines suggested the importance of the loop structure in oscillations of cardia media.[46] Jahnke and Winfree proposed the dispersion relation in the Oregonator model.[47] Courtemanche et al. studied the stability of the pulse propagation in one-dimensional (1D) chains.[46] If a loop composed of excitable nodes can produce self-sustained oscillations, one may call it the Winfree loop.
It is not difficult to understand the loop topology as a basic structural basis of collective oscillation for a network of non-oscillatory units. An excitable node in a sustained oscillatory state must be driven by other nodes. To maintain such drivings, a simple choice is the existence of a looped linking among interacting nodes. A local excitation leads to a pulse and is propagated along the loop to drive other nodes in order, which forms a feedback mechanism of repeated driving. Furthermore, the oscillation along the loop can be propagated by nodes outside the loop and spread throughout the system. The propagation of oscillation in the media gives rise to the wave patterns.
The loop structure is ubiquitous in real networks and plays an important role in network dynamics. Recurrent excitation has been proposed to be the reason supporting self-sustained oscillations in neural networks. The DPAD method can reveal the underlying dynamic structure of self-sustained waves in networks of excitable nodes and the oscillation source. In complex networks, numerous local regular connections coexist with some long-range links. The former plays an important role in target wave propagation and the latter is crucial for maintaining the self-sustained oscillations.
We use the Bär–Eiswirth model to describe the excitable dynamics and consider an Erdos–Renyi (ER) random network. The network dynamics is described by
We study the random network in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) (a) An example of a random network with N = 100 nodes, and each node connects to other nodes with the same degree k = 3. (b), (c) The spatiotemporal evolution patterns of two different oscillatory states in the same network shown in panel (a) by starting from different initial conditions. Both patterns display the evolution of local variable u. The nodes are spatially arranged according to their indices i. (d) The DPAD structure corresponding to the oscillation state in panel (b), where a loop and multiple chains are identified; (e) the DPAD structure corresponding to the oscillation state in panel (c), where two independent subgraphs are found with each subgraph containing a loop and numerous chains. (Adapted from Ref. [38]). |
With the given network structure and parameters, one studies the dynamics of the system by starting from different sets of random initial conditions. The system evolves asymptotically to the homogeneous rest state in many cases. However, one still finds a small portion of tests which eventually exhibit global self-sustained oscillations. The spatiotemporal patterns given in Figs.
One can unveil the mechanism supporting the oscillations and the excitation propagation paths by using the DPAD approach. In Figs.
The DPAD structures in Figs.
Studies on the emergence of self-sustained oscillations in excitable networks indicate that regular self-sustained oscillations can emerge. However, whether there is an intrinsic mechanism in determining the oscillations in networks is still unclear. For example, for Erdos–Renyi networks, whether the connection probability is related to sustained oscillations is an open topic.
In this section we study the occurrence of sustained oscillation depending on the linking probability on excitable ER random networks, and find that the minimum Winfree loop (MWL) is the intrinsic mechanism in determining the emergence of collective oscillations. Furthermore, the emergence of sustained oscillation is optimized at an optimal connection probability (OCP), and the OCP is found to form a one-to-one relationship with the MWL length. This relation is well understood that the connection probability interval and the OCP for supporting the oscillations in random networks are exposed to be determined by the MWL. These three important quantities can be approximately predicted by the network structure analysis, and have been verified in numerical simulations.[48]
One adopts the Bär–Eiswirth model (
We introduce the oscillation proportion
In Figs.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) The dependence of the oscillation proportion ![]() ![]() |
The emergence of collective self-sustained oscillations has also been observed in Section
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) (a) The dependence of the oscillation period of a Winfree loop on the loop length. Below the MWL length ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In Fig.
Self-sustained oscillation on networks is important for various activities in biological activities. The mechanism of self-sustained oscillation lies on the loop topology embedded in networks. The dependence of self-sustained oscillations on the system parameters reveals that these phenomena are related to the loop topology and dynamics, and are essentially determined by the MWL. The one-to-one correspondence between the optimal connection probability and the MWL length is revealed. The MWL is the key factor in determining the collective oscillations on ER networks.[49,50]
Gene regulatory networks (GRNs), as a kind of biochemical regulatory networks in system biology, can be well described by coupled differential equations (ODEs) and have been extensively explored in recent years. The ODEs describing biochemical regulation processes are strongly nonlinear and often have many degrees of freedom. We are concerned with the common features and network structures of GRNs.
Different from the excitable networks above, positive feedback loops (PFLs) and negative feedback loops (NFLs) have been identified in various biochemical regulatory networks and found to be important control modes in GRNs.[20–24] Self-sustained oscillation, birhythmicity, bursting oscillation and even chaotic oscillations are expected for these objects. Specifically chaos may occur in GRNs with a small number of units, which have seldom been reported before. The study of oscillations and chaos in small GRNs is of great importance in understanding the mechanism of gene regulation processes in very large-scale GRNs. Network motifs as subgraphs can appear in some biological networks and they are suggested to be elementary building blocks that carry out some key functions in the network.
Various types of motifs producing some simple functions have been explored and studied, such as sign-sensitive accelerators or delays of feed-forward loop, tunable biological oscillations of coupled NFL and PFL, and so on. In this section, we apply the concept of motifs to investigate the oscillatory and even chaotic dynamics in GRNs. We define a chaotic motif as the minimal structure with the simplest interactions that can generate chaos. It is our motivation to unveil the relation between network structures and the existence of oscillatory and chaotic behaviors in GRNs. We mainly concentrate on chaotic behaviors of autonomous GRNs and answer some very fundamental questions, for example, the mechanism of the rareness of chaos in GRNs basic building blocks/motifs for chaotic motions in complex GRNs, and so on.
We consider the following GRN model:
One may search for chaotic motions extensively in low-dimensional GRNs described by ODEs by using M samples from random network structures, parameter distributions and initial variable conditions. The asymptotic states are finally recorded and classified into three different types: steady states, periodic oscillation states, and chaotic states. The observation reveals that while most of the tests evolve to steady states, indeed some tests (still many) tend to periodic oscillations. The asymptotic chaotic states are extremely rare.
Although the above experiments indicate a rare presentation of chaotic motion, we can adopt an alternative strategy to exhibit more proportions of chaos. One can aim at some period-m (mp) states and study various bifurcation sequences to chaos by continually varying parameters. Therefore, all the previously mp states can be classified to chaotic solutions. In this way we again search for chaos by randomly choosing parameters and initial conditions but within the classes of periodic networks. One can find considerably richer chaotic behaviors than the previous attempt, and all these samples can be used for studying the mechanism of chaos in GRNs. It can be inferred that oscillations in coupled GRNs are rather robust against parameter sets.
One may analyze the chaotic behaviors of some chaotic samples to study the mechanism of chaos. A 3-node GRN is plotted in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) A 3-node chaotic motif. (a), (b) Two 3-node chaotic GRNs, where solid/dashed lines denote active/repressive regulations. (c), (d) Bifurcation diagrams of (a) and (b), respectively by plotting peak values of p1 as a function of K with h = 3.00. (Adapted from Ref. [43]). |
A similar concept of chaotic motif can be defined for 4-node GRNs. In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) A 4-node chaotic motif. The same as Fig. |
The above studies extensively explored chaotic motifs. Chaos is due to the complicated competitions among various oscillatory modes and the intricate drivings among different nodes, so it is crucial to explore the driving relationships in GRNs quantitatively. One may apply the concept of DPAD and the extended DPAD time fraction (DTF) analysis. DPAD is a dynamical method that can find the strongest cross driving of the target node at any time instant when a system is in an oscillatory state, and DTF ρ describes the driving contributions of all cross interactions to the target node during some given long period.
It is remarkable that all the above chaotic motifs discussed can be well explained by the DPAD relationships and the DTF analysis. In Figs.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Chaotic GRNs of Figs. |
In Fig.
To summarize, in this paper we have extensively studied the sustained oscillations ubiquitously existing in biological systems, where the self-organization among units plays an important role. We are particularly interested in the case when each unit in the complex system does not exhibit oscillatory behavior. The emergence of sustained oscillations is first revealed by proposing the DPAD approach, through which the self-organization source of oscillations is found. The DPAD method is useful in understanding the driving relation among units. On the basis of the DPAD structures we can easily identify the oscillation sources and wave propagation paths in oscillatory complex networks. As two examples, the excitable networks and the gene regulatory networks are adopted as two practical applications.
By studying the sustained oscillations of excitable networks, one may find that sustained oscillation is initiated by the existence of Winfree loops. The oscillatory motion is produced in a loop and propagated along different paths, and this gives rise to the wave propagation patterns in a network. It is hard to clearly observe the propagating route, while one may vividly find it in terms of the DPAD method. Moreover, we also find that the minimum Winfree loop is the intrinsic mechanism in determining the emergence of collective oscillations on excitable ER random networks. Furthermore, the emergence of sustained oscillation is optimized at an optimal connection probability, and the OCP is found to form a one-to-one relationship with the MWL length.
For collective oscillations on gene regulatory networks, we focus on the basic core (motif) for exhibiting oscillatory dynamics. Different from the relative simple loop structure as basic source emerging sustained oscillations, we find more complicated behaviors. Furthermore, we extensively search for chaos in low-dimensional GRNs. We find various chaotic motifs as the minimal building blocks for chaotic motions. The mechanism of chaos originates from the competitions between different oscillatory modes, and the DPAD method and DPAD time fraction analysis can give a quantitative explanation of these competitions on chaotic GRNs.
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